Terms & Conditions

Passengers are conveyed subject to and in terms of Swiss Express (Pty) Ltd (also expressed as Swiss Express) standard conditions of carriage, notwithstanding anything contained herein to the contrary.


  1. All persons entering a Swiss Express vehicle and/or property owned by Swiss Express or under its control do so entirely AT THEIR OWN RISK.
    1. Swiss Express is not liable for any loss or damages (including consequential or special damages or loss of profits), loss of life, bodily injury or damage to or loss of property of whatsoever nature and howsoever caused, and whether or not caused by Swiss Express, its directors, its officers, employees, agents or any other person acting on behalf of or under the control of Swiss Express, arising out of or connected in any way with the transportation or non-transportation by Swiss Express of any passenger or persons and/or their property.


2.1. The ticket is proof of the agreement of transport between Swiss Express, the purchaser of the ticket and the passenger, and the accompanying terms and conditions are the entire agreement between the passenger and Swiss Express.

2.2. A ticket is valid for the use only by the passenger to whom it is issued and for the route, date and time shown thereon. The passenger will be required to produce their unique ticket reference number and appropriate identification to check-in. As such, the rights and title in and to tickets are non-transferable. Tickets may, however, be transferred to another date and time in terms of clause three below; after that, new tickets shall be issued. All transfers shall be subject to payment of a cancellation fee as per clause three below.

2.3. It is the passenger’s responsibility to ensure that the correct information is shown on the ticket. Any alteration to a ticket may render it invalid.                            

2.4. Passengers are not allowed to break their journey into multiple legs unless separate tickets are issued for each individual journey.

2.5. Only tickets purchased from Swiss Express or its appointed agents will be valid. Any tickets obtained from any other place or person not being a Swiss Express agent will be void, and the bearer of such tickets shall have no claim whatsoever against Swiss Express and/or any of its directors, officers, employees, agents, or any other person acting on behalf of or under the control of Swiss Express for any damages whatsoever.

2.6. For tickets purchased via electronic funds transfer (EFT) or direct deposit, payment must reflect on the Swiss Express account before issuing a ticket or allocating a seat.


3.1. A ticket may be cancelled subject to the following:

3.1.1 More than 2 hours before departure, a refund or re-schedule is permitted, and an R100.00 admin fee applies for refunds.

3.1.2. Cancellations within 2 to 1 hour(s) of departure are not allowed; only a reschedule is permitted.

3.1.3. At or less than 1 hour before departure, no amendments will be made to a ticket. As such no refund or rescheduling will be permitted.                        

3.1.4. Cancellations on the date of departure after the bus has departed are not permitted; No refund or rescheduling will be permitted, and such tickets, if unused, are subject to cancellation with a 100% cancellation fee.

3.1.5. Tickets purchased within 15 minutes of the scheduled departure time may not be cancelled, and if unused, a 100% cancellation fee will apply.

3.1.6. Tickets cancelled in consequence of the provisions of clause 3.1 shall attract the stipulated cancellation fee, and the balance, if any, shall be refunded to the purchaser or the ticket holder, as the case may be.

3.2. Any change to a ticket requires a new ticket to be issued by Swiss Express. Changes in fare will be payable. The value of the original ticket, less the applicable fee, will be applied towards the new ticket. Swiss Express does not guarantee the availability of a similar ticket class, fare, discount, or reserved seats.

3.2.1. Any change as envisaged herein shall include any transfers to another date or time or upgrades of tickets.

3.2.2. Notwithstanding the above, all tickets can be changed with no change fee, provided that the change is done within 1 (one) hour of the purchase of the ticket but not within 15 minutes of the scheduled departure time in which event the provisions of clauses 3.1.6 and 4.5 shall apply.

3.2.3. Rescheduling is dependent on seat availability.

3.3. Irrespective of the provisions of 3.2 above, no cancellation fee shall be imposed for cancellations or transfers due to the death or hospitalisation of a passenger.

3.4. To cancel or change a ticket, please notify the nearest Swiss Express office.

3.5 Swiss Express will not be bound by verbal quotations. Quotes and availability are valid only at the time the quotation is provided in writing unless expressly indicated otherwise.


4.1. Whilst Swiss Express will make all reasonable efforts to keep to its scheduled timetable, Swiss Express does not guarantee any arrival or departure times, and it does not accept any liability for any loss or damage incurred by any passenger or inconvenience experienced by any person, due to a delay or cancellation of any service for whatsoever reason.

4.2. Swiss Express reserves the right to cancel any of its services for any reason without prior notice. Swiss Express will not be liable for any loss or damage incurred by passengers because of such cancellation.

4.3. Swiss Express makes every effort to ensure connections with other transport operators, where appropriate. However, Swiss Express will not be liable for loss or damage caused by any failure to make such connections with other transport operators.

4.4. Passengers must be at the departure point 1 (one) hour prior to the scheduled departure time shown on the ticket. Should a passenger be late for the scheduled departure time, a new ticket will have to be purchased.

4.5. Carriage of passengers arriving within 15 minutes prior to the scheduled departure time is not guaranteed, and save in the event of hospitalisation or death, any such passenger may not be allowed to travel, the ticket may be subject to cancellation with a 100% cancellation fee and may be made available to standby passengers on a first-come-first-serve basis. Swiss Express shall not be liable and is exempted from any loss, damage, or any claim occasioned by such cancellation.

4.6 Reservations / booked seats not filled within 10 minutes prior to the scheduled departure time will be offered for sale to standby passengers on a first-come, first-served basis.


5.1 NO REFUNDS will be paid in the event of a breakdown or a delay.

5.2 In the event of a breakdown or delay, Swiss Express WILL NOT be held liable for connecting services, scheduled meetings, free refreshments, accommodation or any form of transportation or compensation.  

5.3 Services may be cancelled due to adverse operational conditions including but not limited to force majeure, man-made impediments including strike action mass looting, etc.

5.4 NO REFUNDS will be issued if service is cancelled due to weather or any adverse conditions that are beyond Swiss Express’s control.

5.5 All passengers will be rebooked for an alternative date and time as per the passenger’s request.

5.6 Swiss Express reserve the right to shuttle passengers between stops.


6.1. Children under 18 years will not be allowed to travel alone and must be accompanied by a parent or guardian older than 18 years and/or will require a letter of consent and affidavit from a parent or legal guardian.

6.2. Children below 18 years will be allowed to travel alone, provided that the legal guardian or parent completes the above prescribed for each unaccompanied child. Please enquire with the consultant or agent upon purchase of the ticket. It is the passenger’s responsibility to familiarise themselves with cross-border requirements per country for minors travelling.

6.3. In addition, all minor children (defined in terms of the Children’s Act 38 of 2005 and the Bill of Rights as persons under the age of 18), whether accompanied or not, are required to fully comply with the provisions of the South African Immigration Act (Act No 13 of 2002 and/or any amendments thereof) promulgated under any and in all gazetted regulations. For further information, contact the SA Department of Home Affairs at 0800 601 190 or its website at www.dha.gov.za.

6.4. Failure to sign an indemnification form for unaccompanied minor children or non-compliance with any law in respect of accompanied or unaccompanied minor children will result in the minor child/children not being transported and/or refusal by Immigration Officials for such minor child/children to cross any border into or out of the Republic of South Africa.

6.5. Swiss Express shall be entitled, but not obliged or liable in any way, to obtain the assistance of any law enforcement agency and/or any official to come to the assistance of accompanied or unaccompanied minor children who may be in distress or who are refused transport or entry or exit into or from any border post.

6.6. Swiss Express does not accept any liability or responsibility for any eventuality or any cause of action howsoever arising, that may arise in consequence of any minor child being refused transport or entry or exit at any border post.

6.7. Children younger than 48 months (4 years old) may travel free of charge on the lap of a parent or legal guardian, provided that only one child per parent or legal guardian is allowed. Children 4-7 years old will pay the prescribed fare. Children 7 years and older pay the full ADULT FARE. Proof of the child’s age is required at the time of purchasing the ticket and boarding the bus; otherwise, full fare is charged.

6.8. Please note that Swiss Express shall be entitled, but not obliged, to interview any minor child or any major person without the interference of any legal guardian, parent or any other person, save for law enforcement officials in the exercise of their duties, and to do all such things it may in its sole discretion deemed necessary to prevent the trafficking of minor children or any person on any of its vehicles.

6.9. Swiss Express is fully committed to the prevention of human trafficking on any of its vehicles and will fully collaborate and cooperate with any law-enforcement agency of any country to prevent human trafficking on its vehicles.

6.10. Swiss Express supports the A21 Campaign in the prevention of human trafficking. Should any person suspect that any minor child or major person is a victim of human trafficking, please report to the nearest police station or contact the A21 line at (+27) 0800 222 777+27 or (0)21 5510971 and advise Swiss Express immediately. Further details on human trafficking can be found at www.a21.org


7.1. A maximum of 2 x pieces of regular baggage not exceeding 20kg in total will be permitted per ticket holder. Excess baggage/luggage fees will be charged for baggage/luggage in excess of this provision at the time of boarding/check-in. The kilograms, as weighed by Swiss Express’s scales, will be the chargeable kilograms. Smaller carry-on bags may be stored above the seats and remain the passenger’s responsibility to handle, while larger items must be stored in the luggage compartment and loaded by Swiss Express’s employees or agents.

7.2. Swiss Express reserves the right to refuse the carriage of luggage, goods or any person in its sole discretion.

7.3 Passengers should obtain a Swiss Express luggage sticker when boarding. Unaccompanied luggage will not be carried.

7.4. Swiss Express is not liable for any loss, damage, death or injury arising from transportation or non-transportation of persons or goods, and passengers indemnify Swiss Express against any claims whatsoever.

7.5. Swiss Express does not provide any insurance cover for its passengers, their property or their luggage. All passengers should ensure that they are adequately insured.

7.6. Swiss Express will not participate in any way whatsoever in the transportation of weapons, ammunition or any illicit goods, money, or persons and will cooperate in full with the authorities in any country to combat crime.

7.7. Swiss Express will not transport the following: any explosives, fireworks, any illegal items including drugs, substances used to manufacture narcotics and illegal cigarettes, hazardous materials including acids, batteries containing liquid acid, gases in cylinders, flammable, corrosive or caustic materials or products, poisons and radioactive materials or products, live animals, abattoir products, corpses, assembled coffins, perishable goods including, but not limited to meat, fish, any other food or perishable food products (save for food and beverages taken onboard for consumption whilst travelling), dry ice, used fuel tanks, paint.

7.8. Subject to the provisions of clauses 7.6. and 7.7, Swiss Express will transport the following items provided the item(s) are properly packaged and protected: fluorescent signs, sporting equipment (not constituting a weapon of any kind) including bicycles (must be boxed), fishing rods and surfboards, televisions, and electronic equipment.

7.9. Swiss Express may, in its sole discretion and without the giving of any reason, refuse the transportation of any goods, and no liability shall be attracted by such refusal.


8.1. Passports are compulsory on all cross-border routes and remain the sole responsibility of the passenger. Swiss Express accepts no responsibility for passengers who are not in possession of proper and valid travel documents or where entry to any country or territory is refused to any person for any reason.

8.2. No passenger shall have any claim of any nature against Swiss Express or its appointed agents should he/she be prevented from undertaking or continuing with any journey as a result of the failure to produce any official documents, including travel documents, to any authority.

8.3. Passengers found in breach of any of the terms above related to cross-border travel, or with incorrect or incomplete official or other travel documents, proof of monetary means, medical requirement or any other official requirements for cross-border travel, may not be allowed to travel or to continue with their journey. Swiss Express will have no liability whatsoever to transport them to any destination. Passengers shall be liable for their own transport and accommodation arrangements, and no claim shall arise against Swiss Express.

8.4. By accepting the ticket, the passenger is accepting these Terms and Conditions, and the passenger makes the following declaration: I am fully aware of the legal, monetary and medical requirements and the terms above related to local and cross-border travel, and I accept my responsibilities in terms thereof. Insofar as I intend to travel across the borders of the Republic of South Africa, I further declare that all travelling and official documents required for myself and any minor child travelling with me are valid and that my passport, as well as the passport of any minor child travelling with me, has more than 30 (thirty) days before expiry. I furthermore indemnify Swiss Express of any liability towards me or any claim that may arise as a result of my failure to ensure all travel and official documents are sufficient and valid or my failure to provide money or proof of monetary means to any value that may be required by cross-border officials, or any medical precautions as may be required or any other official requirements for cross-border or local travel.


9.1. Buses undergo two inspections: one before leaving the depot (pre-trip) and one at the end of the day (post-trip).

9.2. Buses are inspected by certified mechanics at regular service intervals, as well as at least one additional time as part of our preventative maintenance program.


10.1. Swiss Express reserves the right to inspect the ticket, travel documents, luggage, goods, packages and parcels of any passenger.

10.2. Swiss Express reserves the right to refuse to transport, or continue to transport, any passenger(s) or their luggage or goods, provided that such refusal shall not result in any unfair discrimination.

10.3. Swiss Express will not refuse the transport of passengers merely because they are physically challenged.

10.4. Smoking and the use of alcohol or drugs on any Swiss Express vehicle are prohibited and forbidden by law and shall not be allowed on Swiss Express’s vehicles. Swiss Express reserves the right not to transport any passenger who enters any Swiss Express vehicle whilst intoxicated. Any person found in breach of these terms and conditions regarding the consumption of alcohol, use of drugs or smoking will be DISEMBARKED immediately at the NEXT SAFE AREA, and no compensation, refund or rescheduling of service requests will be entertained. In addition, should the need arise, legal action may be initiated against the perpetrator who is found in breach of this or any other specified terms and conditions of carriage.

10.5. Swiss Express reserves the right to revise seat allocations without prior notice and to operate substitute vehicles of a different standard from those advertised should operational requirements or circumstances so dictate.

10.6. Fares are subject to change without prior notice from Swiss Express. Swiss Express will only be bound by the fare charged upon the purchase ticket.

10.7. Should you have a complaint in respect of Swiss Express, you should inform Swiss Express as soon as possible after the incident. SWISS EXPRESS will not consider any complaints raised more than seven days after the incident.

10.8. Except for certified guide dogs accompanying blind passengers, no pets will be allowed on Swiss Express’s vehicles.

10.9. Expectant mothers: No passengers are allowed beyond 7 months of pregnancy. Passengers beyond 28 weeks of pregnancy must provide a medical certificate confirming their fitness to travel.

10.10. Passengers with special needs, including passengers with medical conditions and disabilities, are required to inform Swiss Express before they travel with Swiss Express.

10.11. Passengers with any medical condition, whether chronic or not, are advised to consult a medical practitioner prior to departure.

10.12. The wearing of seat belts is compulsory on all Swiss Express vehicles.

10.13. Swiss Express reserves the right to refuse transport of any minor child or major person in its sole discretion and shall not be liable for and is indemni­fied against any loss or damage occasioned by such refusal.

10.14. Swiss Express broadcasts family-friendly video and audio material on all coaches where possible and does not guarantee the availability of onboard material or entertainment on any coach.

10.15. The terms and conditions set out herein shall be severable of each other and the invalidity of any part of these terms and conditions shall not affect the validity of any other part.

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